Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
With a legal career in the public and private sector – Claire is responsible for the Centre’s property portfolio, delivering its commercial income generation, and most importantly its operations. Managing the day-to-day running of the Centre, ensuring we’re open on time, everything is working, and staff are ready to rock, means that every day is different. Claire oversees all commercial activities, such as our tenants, the ice rink and the car park. These are vital streams of income for the Centre, as it receives no government funding – we follow the motto ‘there’s no mission without the margin’. Claire’s responsibilities also includes people services. Because of the nature of the role, with many fingers in lots of different pies, Claire works closely with her fellow Directors.

Our business model
Life is charity, built on an entrepreneurial business model which ensures that all of the income needed to cover operating costs is self-generated.
Annual review
Over the last year, Life has continued its diverse purpose, to entertain, educate and inspire many different audiences.
Support us
Life is a charity, which aims to make science inspiring and relevant to the lives of all its visitors. You can support our work in a number of ways.
Work for Life
By joining Life, you’ll be part of a team that values equality and diversity, excellence, active learning, sustainability and an entrepreneurial spirit.