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Julia Hankin

Marketing and Communications Director

Whether it’s marketing dinosaurs, exhibitions of dead bodies or robots, or organising visits by astronauts, Nobel Prize-winning scientists or prime ministers, Julia has the T-shirt(s). She’s responsible for all areas of marketing and communications for Life including the Science Centre, the wider public engagement and schools programmes, plus the promotion of commercial activities including the ice rink. She’s also tasked with raising awareness of the wider on-site activities and, given the range and breadth of activities, that’s a challenge. Julia also has responsibility for Information Technology at Life.  Julia has extensive marketing experience in education, industry and tourism and spent 14 years with the BBC as a radio presenter.

Julia Hankin is Centre for Life's Marketing Director.

Our business model

Life is charity, built on an entrepreneurial business model which ensures that all of the income needed to cover operating costs is self-generated.

Annual review

Over the last year, Life has continued its diverse purpose, to entertain, educate and inspire many different audiences.

Support us

Life is a charity, which aims to make science inspiring and relevant to the lives of all its visitors. You can support our work in a number of ways.

Work for Life

By joining Life, you’ll be part of a team that values equality and diversity, excellence, active learning, sustainability and an entrepreneurial spirit.