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Kate Peel

Finance director

Kate looks after all aspects of the financial health of the Trust and its subsidiary commercial company. From overseeing the day-to-day finances, to planning investment strategy, meeting statutory reporting and filing obligations, ensuring adequate insurance cover, tax planning and cash flow – there’s not much that Kate can’t achieve when armed with a calculator and a spreadsheet! Kate also has responsibility for Health and Safety at Life. Kate spent many years in practice (as a partner in two local practices, Rainbow Gillespie and Haines Watts North East) before moving into the not-for-profit sector in 2010. Kate has a degree in biotechnology, making her career move to Life a “coming-full-circle” story.

Kate Little is Centre for Life's Finance Director

Our business model

Life is charity, built on an entrepreneurial business model which ensures that all of the income needed to cover operating costs is self-generated.

Annual review

Over the last year, Life has continued its diverse purpose, to entertain, educate and inspire many different audiences.

Support us

Life is a charity, which aims to make science inspiring and relevant to the lives of all its visitors. You can support our work in a number of ways.

Work for Life

By joining Life, you’ll be part of a team that values equality and diversity, excellence, active learning, sustainability and an entrepreneurial spirit.