Honorary President
Matt Ridley is a distinguished author and science journalist. His books, including The Rational Optimist and The Evolution of Everything, have sold over a million copies, been translated into 31 languages and won several awards. His TED talk When Ideas Have Sex has been viewed more than two million times. He writes a weekly column in The Times (London) and writes regularly for the Wall Street Journal.
Our business model
Life is charity, built on an entrepreneurial business model which ensures that all of the income needed to cover operating costs is self-generated.
Annual review
Over the last year, Life has continued its diverse purpose, to entertain, educate and inspire many different audiences.
Support us
Life is a charity, which aims to make science inspiring and relevant to the lives of all its visitors. You can support our work in a number of ways.
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By joining Life, you’ll be part of a team that values equality and diversity, excellence, active learning, sustainability and an entrepreneurial spirit.