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Connect with students across the North East at an online Q&A session

Life has partnered with ‘I’m A Scientist Get Me Out of Here’ to connect school students with science outside the classroom, and we’d love your help!

We’re looking for people who use STEM skills as part of their job to enter an energetic online chatroom with a class of students, all with burning questions about what it’s like to work in a STEM career. These online chats support students to see STEM as ‘for them’ and break down stereotypes of what a scientist is ‘supposed’ to be.

Pupils Wearing School Uniform In Computer Class

Each STEM professional has a short profile about who they are and what they do. Students view the profile before the session and come armed with questions about yourself and your work. Answer questions like – How did you get into your job? What’s the best part of what you do? Why do you enjoy STEM?

Who can apply: All professionals working in fields related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) are welcome to apply. You must have a link to North East England, for example: you work here, you grew up here, you went to school here or have worked here in the past. You could be working in industry, academia or in the public sector. You could be a technician, an apprentice or in roles like comms or management. Take part to show students the wide range of STEM-related careers out there.

The ‘I’m A Scientist’ sessions are part of Life’s ‘Space Explorers’ outreach programme, which is funded by the Edina Trust. The 40-minute sessions will take place over two weeks, between Mon 5th – Fri 16th Feb 2024. We’d love to have you onboard for any number of days you’re available.

Any questions or want more information?

Contact Life’s Schools and Communities department at or 0191 243 8278.