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I'm a scientist online sessions

For Key Stage 2 – Post-16

Extend your students’ Life experience with a live virtual session in your classroom.

Life is partnering with I’m a Scientist  to bring a new virtual experience to classrooms. Your students will connect with real people working in exciting STEM jobs in the North East through an energetic real-time text-based chat.

The school can look at the scientist profiles before the session, to brainstorm some questions and make the most out of the experience. Questions range from scientists’ careers to their personal lives, humanising the scientists as real people from the region, just like your students.

Pupils Wearing School Uniform In Computer Class

These sessions take place during school hours, often in the place of lessons. They align with the Gatsby Good Careers Guidance Benchmarks, providing inspiring encounters with STEM employers across the region, allowing students to explore areas that interest them most, and linking curriculum learning to careers.

All students will need to take part is a device with internet access. For the best session possible, the whole class, including the teacher, log into their own accounts so they can each ask their own questions.  Life’s Explainers will be on hand to introduce the scientists, guide the students through the chat and ensure a safe and inspirational experience.


School Child Exploring Suitable Materials For Space Travel In An Education Workshop.

School workshops

Our engaging programme of workshops and story-telling sessions have been designed to reflect STEM themes and topics which are linked to the curriculum.


Two school students enjoying a rocket building activity with the support of an Explainer inside Life Science Centre.

School visits inside the science centre

No school trip would be complete without a visit to our science centre. We provide interactive zones and activities that injects a fun, extra dimension to your visit

Explainer Delivering A Schools' Workshop To Students At Life Science Centre.

Prices and booking info

A typical school visit includes time in the science centre plus a workshop – or you can opt for a workshop or a science centre visit only.