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Bees create a buzz in new science hub at Life

Photo of the various exhibits included in Life Science Centre's Buzzing about Bees Hub
Life's iconic logo is featured at the entrance to the science centre.

Life communications


Life is shining a spotlight on the importance of bees in a brand-new hub. 

‘Buzzing About Bees’ is the first theme for our new Science Now! Hub, which delves into topical science subjects that impact everyone. The amazing science that’s taking place on our doorstep will be highlighted, including new research from Dr Vivek Nityananda from Newcastle University into how bees behave when they come face to face with potential threats such as pesticides. 

“Our new hub will help everyone find out more about the brilliant things that are happening on our doorstep and why this research makes a difference to our lives. Visitors will have the opportunity to take part in quizzes, meet and listen to local scientists and learn ways to bring science into their everyday lives, such as how they can manage their gardens to encourage bees.

“We’re launching with bees as they’re so familiar to our audience, and they play a key role in the food we eat helping to pollinate crops such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes and courgettes.

“Visitors will discover the trouble humans are causing bees, what scientists in the North East are doing to investigate the problem and hopefully we will inspire people to take action.”

Ben Rutherford-Orrock, Contemporary Science Manager

Visitors will have the chance to find out why these insects are so important to our planet, what will happen if their numbers continue to decline and what we can all do to help to prevent this. 

Protecting animals and plants has been included as part of the discussion at this month’s COP27, held in Egypt. World leaders were told that many animals and plants could lose their habitats, and coral reefs could be destroyed, if temperatures continue to rise. 
As the region’s only science centre, Life Science Centre aims to engage with the public to inspire everyone to consider their role in creating a greener, healthier, and fairer future. A highlight of the centre is a seven-metre diameter ‘Earth’, Gaia, which highlights the fragility and wonder of our planet. 

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