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Two puck-hungry players join the line up at Life   

Ice hockey players on Life's seasonal ice rink.
Life's iconic logo is featured at the entrance to the science centre.

Life communications


Two ice hockey players are trading their sticks for a different kind of action on Life’s outdoor ice rink.

Billingham Stars player Stuart Jackson and Northumbria Kings player Adam Toulson have both joined Life as winter hosts, sharing their expertise with skaters.

Twenty-one-year-old Stuart has been an avid fan of ice hockey since the age of six, playing in youth and adult teams, practising up to five times a week as well as competing in games at the weekend.

Meanwhile Adam Toulson, 23, has been playing ice hockey for over five years, competing regularly in games across the country.

Life’s outdoor ice rink in Times Square, is an established part of the festive calendar in Newcastle. Open until 7 January, the rink, which is made of real ice, provides skaters of all ages and abilities with the ultimate festive experience.

And as winter hosts, Stuart and Adam help to ensure that visitors to the ice rink have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Stuart said: “After years of playing ice hockey, being on the ice is second nature to me and it’s great to work here at the Life rink – I love outdoor rinks and the Life one is really quite special.

“It’s very competitive but I would love to be a professional ice hockey player one day and it’s certainly a bonus being able to get to ice skate as part of my job.”

Adam added: “I used to love skating as a kid at Christmas and then I joined an ice hockey team when I started university as I wanted to try something new.

“It’s great to be on the ice rink for work and Life’s outdoor rink is amazing.”  

The ice rink is open every day except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day until 7 January. Online booking is recommended. For more details visit our website.

Separate charges apply for the ice rink.

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