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Max’s Mealtime

An interactive story-telling session where students learn about how we get food from its source to our plates sustainably.

Who is it for: Key stage 1 and reception
Duration: 1 hour
Dog eating peas

Students will use their imaginations to go on a guided adventure in this new Key Stage 1 workshop

Help find the ingredients for Max the dog’s birthday tea of fish, chips and peas! 

In this interactive storytelling session, complete with structured role play and activities, students learn about how we get food from its source to our plates in environmentally friendly and sustainable ways. 

From identifying animals and plants to learning the basic needs of animals and how humans pollute the oceans with plastic, this workshop covers a variety of curriculum areas. 

This workshop will not be available to book in December 2024. See details of alternative seasonal workshops during this period. 

Curriculum links

Key stage 1 and reception
  • Animals, including humans
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Human and physical geography
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork

By the end of the workshops students will have discovered:

Worm icon.

What plants need to grow including actions of beneficial minibeasts such as bees and worms

Recycling icon.

An awareness of what should/shouldn’t be in aquatic habitats including humans’ role in polluting the oceans with plastics

Wave icon.

About the concept of sustainable fishing

Mushroom icon.

An increased awareness of where food comes using storytelling and activities not usually possible in the classroom.